spacing hack


Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Shampoo 20110207

In an effort to declutter my bathroom and (gasp) use things I've already paid for, I've been going through all of my partially used shampoos and using them completely so that I can toss the bottles.

Yesterday's shampoo was Giovanni's Tea Tree Triple Threat. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but the shampoo's smell greatly reminded me of something else.

Today, I figured it out.

Matt's Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Now I'm confused as to whether I should be asking why a shampoo smells like food or why a food smells like shampoo. Because the scent isn't compelling me in either direction.

I can say that this shampoo is not good in the winter. As I've been unfortunately learning, anything with peppermint oil absolutely freezes my scalp. And some day I hope to actually find out why peppermint can cause such a physical reaction when it's not actually lowering the temperature of the environment.

Lucky for me though, the shampoo bottle is now empty. Mission accomplished.